Friday, March 9, 2007

Desaulniers move

Hello everyone, just wanted to let you know that we are all ok and enjoying our new life in Winnipeg, Canada. It is very different from Richmond, Virginia and we miss all of our family and friends from there however things are going well here. God is certainly in control and we have secured a townhouse that we are renting. It is nice to finally feel settled. I can't imagine what it would be like to be homeless and not have a spot of your own. It has really made me think about things differently. I read the other day a great inspirational story from my devotions that I would like to share with everyone.

God will take care of you. He will!!! However... faith like love usually comes with a price. Letting go of the handrail. Taking off the training wheels. Stepping away from the ledge. It's scary, wobbly and makes your heart pound in your ears. But once you've done it there's no turning back- not because you can't but because you don't want to. Once you've experienced what it's like to allow God to release his powner in your life, it's hard to settle for anthing less. Faith means doing the unexpected while the world rolls its eyes. Are you unsure of your next step? Confused about your future? Afraid of what's around the bend? Have you ever considered that's just the way God wants you? Sometimes, he does His best work when you don't have a clue. At times like these, all you need to know is that He does. God is in the details. Not your details- His details. Sparrows don't plan for the future, yet they return in the spring year after year, fat and sassy. Lilies don't grow tall and beautiful because they know how, but because God does. So if God has time to tend to the birds and flowers, don't you think you are on His agenda someplace? After all you're family. Don't look back. Leap. And pray while you run!!

I loved this story. It reminded me why we are here and to not be afraid or worry about what will happen in the future. God will take care of us, so take a leap and have faith.

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