Thursday, March 6, 2008

Weather on March 6

Just thought I would post about the balmy spring weather we are having here in Winnipeg. The weather this morning is -26 C or -13 F without the wind chill. Just a beautiful spring day here. I thought everyone might like to see the snow that we still have here and the way the girls are dressed to walk up to school. I am beginning to wonder will the snow ever melt??? I guess I have never seen a snowman in July.

New Haircuts

The girls finally got their hair cut. Here are the pictures of them now.

Danielle Speed skating Competition at MTS centre

We were so proud of Danielle for making the speed skating competition. It was held at the MTS centre which is a huge arena where the Jets used to play. It was neat to be able to watch her skate around. She didn't fall and we were really excited for her to have such a great opportunity.